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Posted by: William Gouse on Sun, May 9, 2004


We want to congradulate Heather on receiving her Masters Degree in Professional Counseling from Philadelphia Biblical University on Saturday, May 8, 2004. Heather, along with her husband Andrew head up our Kids Klub program. We are proud of both of them.   GREAT JOB!!!!!

Karen Medas · 21 years ago
Dear Parishoners,
I was hoping to meet you all this past weekend after Heather's graduation. I wanted more than anything to be there to share in her triumph, but due to extenuating circumstances we were not able to make the trip to Philadelphia. How glad I am she has such a wonderfull parish and friends to support her away from her family. I am so proud of the wonderfull, self-made christian woman she has become. I thank God everyday for choosing me to be her mother and her father to be my husband. Heather's accomplishment of recieving her Master's Degree is all her own. Because of my illness the only support I could give her was moral support. I may have a biased opinion but she is more than any parent could wish for. Although I could not be there physically, be assured I am always with her spiritually. I am blessed not only to have a beautifull woman for a daughter, but to also have her as a dear friend. I just wanted evetone to know how I feel and how much I miss her evertday. Sometimes she makes me wonder who's the parent and who's the child. I am just so proud and love her so much I wanted to let everyone how special a person she is. (Like you already haven't figured that out!) I will meet you all soon this summer. Thank you for supporting her achievments. Your long distant Friend, Karen Medas

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