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Running With John Running With John

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Running With John

Posted by: William Gouse on Wed, Mar 15, 2006

In the early morning hours of Monday, March 13, 2006 our beloved sister Mary Jane McGowan closed her eyes for the last time here on earth, only to open them and look into the the face of her Saviour, Jesus Christ.  You can image that after taking her by the hand and welcoming her home, He took her hands and placed them into the hands of her earthly brother-in-law John Underwood, telling him to show Mary around her Forever Home.  Image the look on Mary's face as John ran her down the streets of heaven, introducing her to all their loved ones, who in the providence of God, had gone on before.

You see, here on earth both John and Mary suffered from polio. But in their Eternal Home there is no pain or sickness no suffering or sorrow. Mary closed her eyes and immediatly entered the presence of Jesus. She left behind an earthly home full of crime and hate and entered a place where there is peace forever more.

One  of Mary's favorite Bible verses was Proverbs 3: 5-6 which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths".

Please pray for Mary's loved ones, who in the days ahead will need to do exactly what those verses say.  Trust in the Lord.  When we can cannot know WHY, we can TRUST in the One who does know why, and He has promised to carry us through the deep waters.  

Our minds cannot concieve that our beloved sister is gone from our presence. But in our hearts we know that she is far better off than we are.  We also look for the day when we close our eyes for the last time here on earth and awake in the presence of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and are reunited with loved one who have gone on before.

Mary Jane McGowan - May 14, 1927 - March 13, 2006

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